Чарльз Хьюберт Гастингс Парри

Чарльз Хьюберт Гастингс Парри - ноты

Страна: Великобритания
Даты: 27.02.1848 - 07.10.1918
Название Opus
And yet I love her till I die
Armida's Garden
At the round earth's imagined corners
Blest pair of Sirens
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Bright star
By Music
The Chivalry of the sea
Come pretty wag
Crabbed age and youth
Crossing the Bar
Descend, ye Nine!
Dirge in woods
Double chant in E major
A Fairy town
Gaudium Cæleste
The Glories of our blood and state
Gone were but the winter cold
Good night
Hear my words, ye people
How sweet the answer
If thou wouldst ease thine heart
I know my soul hath power
I sing the birth
I was glad when they said unto me
L'Allegro ed il Pensieroso
Laudate Dominum
Lay a garland on my hearse
Looking backward
Lord, let me know mine end
The Lotos Eaters
Love is a bable
Love is a sickness
The Maiden
Music, when soft voices die
My delight and thy delight
My soul, there is a country
My true love hath my heart
Never weather-beaten sail
Nightfall in Winter
No longer mourn for me
Of all the torments
O Love, they wrong thee much
O mistress mine
On a time the amorous silvy
O never say that I was false of heart
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Poet's Song
Prevent us, O Lord
Proud Maisie
The sea hath many a thousand sands
She is my love beyond all thought
Since thou, O fondest
Take, O take those lips away
There be none of beauty's daughters
There is an old belief
There rolls the deep
Thine eyes still shined for me
Three Aspects
Through the ivory gate
To Althea from prison
To Diana
To Lucasta on going to the wars
Under the greenwood tree
Voces Clamantium
Weep you no more
Welcome, Yule!
A Welsh lullaby
When comes my Gwen
When icicles hang by the wall
When lovers meet again
When we two parted
Where shall the lover rest
Whether I live
Why so pale and wan
Willow, willow, willow
The Wind and the Leaves
The Witches' Wood
Ye little birds that sit and sing
You gentle nymphs
