A man that's neither high nor low

Elizabeth Turner - A man that's neither high nor low - текст песни (слова)

A man that's neither high nor low
 in party or in stature,
 a rake, a rattle and a beau
 and not unused to flatter.
 Let him not be a learned fool,
 who nods o'er musty books,
 who eats and drinks and lives by rule,
 and weighs our words and looks.
 Let him be easy, free and gay,
 of dancing never tired,
 have always something smart to say
 yet silent when required.
 Let him be rich, not covetous,
 nor generous to excess,
 willing that I should keep the purse,
 and please myself in dress.
 A little courage let him have,
 from insults to protect me,
 provided that he's not so brave
 as e'er to contradict me.
 Ten thousand pounds a year I like,
 but if so much can't be,
 you seven from the ten may strike,
 I'll be content with three.
 His face, no matter if 'tis plain,
 but let it not be fair,
 the man is sure my heart to gain
 who can with this compare,
 And if some lord should chance agree
 with this above description,
 though I'm not fond of quality,
 it shall be no objection.   
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