Dear Friends

Hymns - Dear Friends - Текст песни

1. Dear Friends, Farewell, I do You Tell
Since you and I must part;
I go away, and here you stay,
But still we're joined in heart.

2. I leave you all, both great and small,
In Christ's encircling arms,
Who can you save from the cold grave,
And shield you from all harms.

3. If I'm called home whilst I am gone,
Indulge no tears for me;
I hope to sing and praise my King
To all eternity.

4. Millions of years over the spheres
Shall pass in sweet repose,
While beauty bright unto my sight
Its sacred sweets disclose.

5. I long to go; then farewell woe;
My soul will be at rest;
No more shall I complain or sigh,
But taste the heav'nly feast.

6. O may we meet and be complete,
And long together dwell,
And serve the Lord with one accord,
And so, dear friends, farewell.
Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
