Fount of Purity

Hymns - Fount of Purity - Текст песни

Oh, faint not, weary soul,
Thy Savior???s near to thee;
He now will make thee whole,
Look up to Calvary.

Hail, fount of purity!
Hail, wondrous, cleansing blood!
Hail, great security!
Thou spotless Lamb of God.

Behold thy Savior dies,
He dies, He dies for thee;
???Tis finished now, He cries,
Oh, captive soul, be free!

Thy sins of crimson dye
Shall white as wool appear;
Now to the fountain fly,
???Twill cleanse thee, do not fear.

Thy sins of scarlet hue
Shall all be white as snow;
There???s nothing thou canst do,
But to the fountain go.

Behold the fountain near,
By faith, oh, plunge today;
Oh, sin-sick soul, draw near???
???Twill purge thy stain away.
Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
