Heal Me O My Savior

Hymns - Heal Me O My Savior - Текст песни

Heal me, O my Savior, heal;
heal me, as I suppliant kneel;
heal me and my pardon seal.

Fresh the wounds that sin hath made;
hear the prayers I oft have prayed,
and in mercy send me aid.

Helpless, none can help me now;
cheerless, none can cheer but thou;
suppliant, Lord, to thee I bow.

Thou the true Physician art;
thou, O Christ, canst health impart,
binding up the bleeding heart.

Other comforters are gone;
thou canst heal and thou alone,
thou for all my sin atone.

Heal me then, my Savior, heal;
heal me, as I suppliant kneel;
to thy mercy I appeal.
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