Humility of Heart

Hymns - Humility of Heart - Текст песни

1. There is a grace few mortals find,
 A star all heaven loves to see;
 It is a meek and lowly mind,
 The gem of pure humility.
 * Refrain:
 No ornament on earth so rare,
 No jewel in all heaven???s mart,
 Can beautify a soul so fair
 As deep humility of heart.
 2. O God, hath e???er Thy balance weighed
 A jewel of such priceless worth
 As that pure life all humbly laid
 Before the blessed Lord of earth?
 3. Within my hidden man, dear Lord,
 That glorious ornament bestow,
 The sweetest gift in all Thy Word???
 O Father, keep me meek and low.
 4. All earthly crowns shall turn to mold,
 All glitt???ring pride and vanity;
 But meekness decks the soul with gold
 That shines through all eternity.
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