I Have Sought Round

Hymns - I Have Sought Round - Текст песни

1. I Have Sought Round This Verdant Earth For Unfading Joy
I have tried every source for mirth, but all, all will cloy;
Lord, bestow on me grace to set my spirit free;
Thine the praise shall be; mine, mine the joy.

2. I have wandered in mazes dark, of doubt and distress;
I have not had a kindly spark my spirit to bless;
Cheerless unbelief filled my lab'ring soul with grief;
What shall give relief? What shall give peace?

3. I was brought to thy gospel, Lord, from folly away;
Made to trust in thy holy word, which taught me to pray;
Here I found release, here my wearied soul found peace,
Hopes of endless bliss, eternal day.

4. I'm a stranger and pilgrim here in this world of woe,
But I find my Redeemer near, as onward I go;
Jesus is my friend, he'll be with me to the end,
And from foes defend my path below.

5. I have heard my Redeemer say, "My promise is sure;
I have taught thee to watch and pray, all hardness endure."
Jesus be my guide, in thy promise I'll confide;
Keep me near thy side, my life, my way.

6. I will praise thee, my heav'nly King, I'll praise and adore,
My heart's richest tribute bring to thee, God of power;
And in Heav'n above, saved by thy redeeming love,
Loud the strains shall move forever more.

7. Hallelujahs through heav'n will ring, salvation the theme;
Glory, honor, and praise we'll sing to God and the Lamb.
Crowns of glory wear, palms of vict'ry we shall bear;
Shouts of triumph there never shall end.
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