I've Found It, Lord

Hymns - I've Found It, Lord - Текст песни

1. My soul in trouble roamed
 Upon a weary plain,
 And ever restless, longed
 A perfect bliss to gain.
 * Refrain:
 I have found it, Lord, in Thee
 An everlasting store
 Of comfort, joy, and bliss to me:
 How can I wish for more?
 2. Oppressed with guilt and woe,
 With fears of hell o???ercast,
 My soul no comfort knew
 Until I came to Christ.
 3. I bore within my breast
 A deep and painful void,
 I wanted inward rest,
 And peace that would abide.
 4. My foolish soul had thought
 To fill itself with mold
 From earthly mines, yet bought
 No true and lasting gold.
 5. All in this world is dross;
 Its pleasures soon decay;
 Its honors prove a snare;
 Its treasures fly away.
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