Jesus, Meek and Lowly

Hymns - Jesus, Meek and Lowly - Текст песни

Jesus, meek and lowly,
Savior, pure and holy,
On Thy love relying
Hear me humbly crying.

Prince of life and power,
My salvation???s tower,
On the cross I view Thee
Calling sinners to Thee.

There behold me gazing
At the sight amazing;
Bending low before Thee,
Helpless I adore Thee.

By Thy red wounds streaming,
With Thy life blood gleaming,
Blood for sinners flowing
Pardon free bestowing;

By that fount of blessing,
Thy dear love expressing,
All my aching sadness
Turn Thou into gladness.

Lord, in mercy guide me,
Be Thou e???er beside me;
In Thy ways direct me;
???Neath Thy wings protect me.
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  • Текст (слова)
