Jesus, Speak to Me in Love

Hymns - Jesus, Speak to Me in Love - Текст песни

Jesus! speak to me in love,
Restless, storm tossed in my sin;
With Thy mighty voice, O Lord,
Thy great calm create within;
Bid the stormy winds to cease,
Bid, O bid me go in peace.

To Thee, Jesus, do I fly,
Wakened from my soul???s dread sleep;
None but Thou can save me, Lord,
In this hour of anguish deep;
Thou alone canst give release,
Bid, O bid me go in peace.

Weeping at Thy feet I fall,
Wearied, burdened, lonely, sad;
Thou dost bid me come, my Lord,
Thou alone canst make me glad;
Jesus, grant my soul release,
Bid, O bid me go in peace.

Boldly at Thy throne of grace,
Lord, I now forgiveness seek;
In Thy tender, pitying love
To my soul Thy pardon speak.
Jesus! make my anguish cease,
Bid, O bid me go in peace.

Prince of Peace! Who in Thy death
Didst for me the ransom pay,
Cleanse me in Thy precious blood,
Give to me Thy peace today.
Now, Lord, grant my soul release,
Now, Lord, bid me go in peace.
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