Jesus We Follow Thee

Hymns - Jesus We Follow Thee - Текст песни

Jesus, we follow thee,
In all thy footsteps tread,
And seek for full conformity
To our exalted Head.

We would, we would partake
Thy every state below,
And suffer all things for thy sake,
And to thy glory go.

We in thy birth are born,
Sustain thy grief and loss,
Share in thy want, and shame, and scorn,
And die upon thy cross.

Baptised into thy death,
We sink into thy grave,
Till thou the quickening Spirit breathe,
And to the utmost save.

Thou saidst, 'Where'er I am,
There shall my servants be.'
Master, thy welcome word we claim,
And die to live with thee.

To us who share thy pain,
Thy joy shall soon be given,
And we shall in thy glory reign,
For thou art now in heaven.
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