Looking for That Blessed Hope

Hymns - Looking for That Blessed Hope - Текст песни

O shout aloud the tidings,
Repeat the joyful strain;
Let all the waiting nations
This message hear again;
The spotless Lamb of glory,
Who once for man was slain,
Soon o???er all the earth shall reign.


Looking for that bless??d hope,
Looking for that bless??d hope;
We know the hour is nearing,
The hour of His appearing,
We???re looking for that bless??d hope.

Signs in the Heav???n above us,
In sun and moon and sky,
Proclaim to all the faithful
Redemption draweth night;
The hearts of men are quaking,
And failing them for fear;
Jesus??? coming draweth near.


We???ll watch for His returning
With lamps well trimmed and bright;
He cometh to the careless
As thieves break thro??? at night;
???Well done, thou good and faithful,???
O may we hear the word,
???Share the joy of Christ thy Lord.???

Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
