Lost in the Ruins of the Fall

Hymns - Lost in the Ruins of the Fall - Текст песни

1. Lost In the Ruins of The Fall
I lay in awful night,
Till Great Jehovah changed my heart,
And gave me heav'nly light.

2. Born of the Lord, I rose from death,
Flew to the Prince of Peace;
He loved the rising of my soul,
And showed a smiling face.

3. Born of the Lord, I feel a pow'r
That draws to Jesus' blood,
Loosens my soul from chain of gauilt,
And leads it to my God.

4. Born of the Lord, I can't allow.
That sin should rule my heart;
But long that ev'ry evil Thought
Might evermore depart

5. Born of the Lord, my happy soul
In flames of love arise;
Love my dear Father and His flock,
And love His holy ways.

6. Born of the Lord, I soon shall fly,
Fly to His bright abode;
Rise to the honors of His throne,
And live and reign with God.
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