O Cross of Love

Hymns - O Cross of Love - Текст песни

Far back in the ages past,
Veiled in the mist of years,
A wondrous vision I behold,
That moves my heart to tears;
There hanging upon a cross,
The form of One I see,
Who suffered there a sinner's death,
That sinners might be free;
Who suffered there a sinner's death,
That sinners might be free.

And gazing upon that cross,
What feelings fill my breast!
What sorrow for my life of sin!
What hungerings for rest!
Then peace, as the peace of heav'n
Steals in upon my soul,
And tides of deep and holy joy
Through all my being roll;
And tides of deep and holy joy
Through all my being roll.

O cross of redeeming love,
Stay thou before my eyes,
Lest, wandering, my heart forget
Thy bleeding sacrifice!
Send forth thy refulgent beams
Along my pilgrim way,
And guide my feet, through earthly night,
To realms of fadeless day;
And guide my feet, through earthly night,
To realms of fadeless day.

O wonderful cross of Christ,
With hearts of men plead on;
Constrain the wayward, raise the low,
And melt the heart of stone;
O win for thyself in earth
A mighty victory,
Till righteousness shall flood the earth,
As waters flood the sea;
Till righteousness shall flood the earth,
As waters flood the sea.
Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
