Salvation Is the Sweetest Thing

Hymns - Salvation Is the Sweetest Thing - Текст песни

1. Salvation is the sweetest thing
 That mortal ever found;
 My soul can never cease to sing,
 Such love and peace abound.
 * Refrain:
 Jesus, our friend and Redeemer!
 Jesus, our wonderful Light!
 Saved by Thy grace we're forever
 Singing the blood that makes us white.
 2. Salvation is omnipotence
 Combined with love supreme,
 Come down in pity so intense,
 To rescue and redeem.
 3. Salvation flows from Father's heart,
 A stream of holy love;
 It covers me with glory bright,
 And wings my soul above.
 4. Salvation is a perfect plan;
 It heals the saddest one
 Who seeks the Father's boundless grace
 Through His beloved Son.
 5. Salvation, oh, that word so great;
 It thrills my heart with joy;
 To me it is a rich estate
 No foe can e'er destroy.
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