The Love of Christ Constraineth

Hymns - The Love of Christ Constraineth - Текст песни

The love of Christ constraineth;
O let the watchword ring
till all the world adoring
to Jesus' feet it bring.
Till north and south the kingdoms
shall own his glorious sway,
and east and west the nations
rejoice to see his day.

The love of Christ constraineth:
at home, abroad, where'er
by sea or shore abiding
his Name and sign we bear.
We ask not that our service
or great or small may be,
if only thou wilt own it,
dear Lord, as unto thee.

The love of Christ constraineth;
and we who trust his word
who know and feel its power
to gladder services stirred,
shall neither faint nor falter,
though dark the night and long,
and weak our hands that labor;
his strength shall make us strong.

The love of Christ constraineth;
then let us work and pray,
and watch the glad appearing
of that triumphant day,
when Father, Son and Spirit,
by every tongue confessed,
all earth his broad dominion
in his dear love shall rest.
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