The Maker of the Sun and Moon

Hymns - The Maker of the Sun and Moon - Текст песни

The Maker of the sun and moon,
the Maker of our earth,
lo! late in time, a fairer boon,
himself is brought to birth!

How blest was all creation then,
when God so gave increase;
and Christ, to heal the hearts of men,
brought righteousness and peace!

No star in all the heights of heaven
but burned to see him go;
yet unto earth alone was given
his human form to know.

His human form, by man denied,
took death for human sin:
his endless love, through faith descried,
still lives the world to win.

O perfect Love, outpassing sight,
O Light beyond our ken,
come down through all the world tonight,
and heal the hearts of men!
Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
