The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn

Hymns - The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn - Текст песни

  • текст
The roseate hues of early dawn,
the brightness of the day,
the crimson of the sunset sky,
how fast they fade away!
O for the pearly gates of heaven!
O for the golden floor!
O for the Sun of Righteousness
that setteth nevermore!

The highest hopes we cherish here,
how fast they tire and faint!
How many a spot defiles the robe
that wraps an earthly saint!
O for a heart that never sins!
O for a soul washed white!
O for a voice to praise our King,
nor weary day or night!

Here faith is ours, and heavenly hopes,
and grace to lead us higher;
but there are perfectness and peace
beyond our best desire.
O by thy love and anguish, Lord,
O by thy life laid down,
grant that we fall not from thy grace,
nor cast away our crown!
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