There Is a Better World

Hymns - There Is a Better World - Текст песни

There is a better world, they say
O so bright! O so bright!
Where sin and woe are done away,
O so bright! O so bright!
And music fills the balmy air,
And angels with bright wings are there,
And harps of gold and mansions fair,
O so bright! O so bright!

No clouds e'er pass along that sky,
Happy land! Happy land!
No tear drops glisten in the eye,
Happy land! Happy land!
They drink the gushing streams of grace,
And gaze upon the Savior's face
Whose brightness fills the holy place;
Happy land! Happy land!

And wicked things and beasts of prey,
Come not there! Come not there!
And ruthless death and fierce decay,
Come not there! Come not there!
There all are holy, all are good,
But hearts unwashed in Jesus' blood,
And guilty sinners unrenewed,
Come not there! Come not there!

And though we're sinners every one,
Jesus died! Jesus died!
And though our crown of peace is gone,
Jesus died! Jesus died!
We may be cleansed from every stain,
We may be crowned with bliss again,
And in that land of glory reign;
Jesus died! Jesus died!
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