What Manner of Love

Hymns - What Manner of Love - Текст песни

1. Behold, what love, what boundless love
 The Father hath bestowed on us,
 That we should be the sons of God,
 And share His righteousness.
 * Refrain:
 Behold, what love, behold, what love
 The Father hath bestowed,
 That we should be the sons of God,
 Through Jesus??? precious blood.
 2. Oh, wondrous grace! how can it be
 That we, who were conceived in sin,
 Should rank with heaven???s family???
 Of God be born again!
 3. When sons, we are the heirs of God,
 And rich joint-heirs with Christ the Son;
 When sanctified through Jesus??? blood,
 Our heritage we own.
 4. All sons of God must holy be;
 All do our Father???s image bear;
 None but the pure in heart shall see
 His face, and heaven share.
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