Zion's Daughters!

Hymns - Zion's Daughters! - Текст песни

Zion's daughters! Sons of Jerusalem!
All ye hosts of heavenly chivalry!
Lift your voices, singing right merrily

Christ our Savior weds on this festival
holy Church, the pattern of righteousness,
whom from depths of uttermost misery
he hath rescued.

Now the Bride receiveth his benison,
tasteth now the joys of the Paraclete;
kings and queens with jubilant melody
call her blessed.

Mother meet for sinful humanity,
life's sure haven, rest for the sorrowful,
strong protectress, born a mystery,
ever wondrous.

Not more fair the moon in her loveliness!
Not more bright the sun in his majesty!
Like an army splendid and terrible,
ranged for battle.

So the Church shines forth on her pilgrimage,
signed with Jordan's waters of penitence,
drawn to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
from the world's end.

"So, foretold by figures and prophecies,
clothed in nuptial vesture of charity,
joined with Christ, o'er heaven's glad citizens
now she reigneth.

"Welcome! feast of light and felicity,
Bride to Bridegroom joining in unity;
in her mystic marriage is typified
our salvation."

Christ, whose joys we joyfully celebrate,
grant us all a place with thy chosen ones,
true delights, ineffable happiness,
rest eternal.
Другие материалы по этой песне:
  • Текст (слова)
