Escape: Chorus from Euripides' Hippolytos

Jon Corelis - Escape: Chorus from Euripides' Hippolytos - текст песни (слова)

O that god would change me to a sea-bird,
 soaring in the sunset,
 joyously and free,
 leaving all my sorrow
 for my own tomorrow,
 far beyond this lying world's illusion.
 I would fly away to that bright garden
 past the ocean's ending,
 where eternity
 nourishes the flowers
 through their perfect hours
 never touched by human life's confusion.
 To fly away, away, away, away, away on wings of wishing,
 where the golden apples swell in ripeness,
 and the fertile meadows
 bloom abundantly,
 bringing forth earth's treasures
 for the deathless pleasures
 granted to the gods in calm profusion.
 White-winged Cretan ship that brought my princess
 from her happy childhood
 to a queen's despair,
 fatal was your leaving
 Crete for a deceiving
 wedding-song that was a dirge of sadness.
 Dark and evil was her hour of sailing,
 luckless was her landfall,
 doomed to pain and care,
 crushed beneath the mighty
 storm of Aphrodite,
 wrecked by her unholy passion's madness.
 And now to die, to die, to die, to die, to die is all her longing.
 I see my queen retired within her chamber,
 weeping under fortune
 worse than she can bear,
 fastening from its ceiling
 her last means of healing
 ills that stain her life and end all gladness.   
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