Sappho: Ode to Aphrodite

Jon Corelis - Sappho: Ode to Aphrodite - текст песни (слова)

Ode to Aphrodite by Sappho
 translated from the Greek by Jon Corelis
 Aphrodite, immortal, enthroned in wonder,
 Sky-daughter, webstress of schemes, I entreat you
 not to break my spirit with pangs of anguish,
 Queen, Lady, Mother,
 but now come to me, if in the past you ever
 also heeded me when I cried from afar, and,
 leaving behind the golden house of your father
 Zeus, you descended
 borne in a chariot yoked to a flock of lovely
 sparrows flying fast over earth's black richness,
 thickly fluttering wings leading you a passage
 through bright mid-heaven,
 soon arriving, and you, O supreme in blessing,
 eternity's smile gleaming from your expression,
 asked me now this time what again I suffered,
 what did I pray for,
 what beyond all else I would want to happen
 with all my love-maddened heart: “Who now needs persuasion
 to be led back to your affection? Who is it,
 Sappho, who hurts you?
 Though she now may run, she will soon pursue you;
 now she may spurn gifts, but she soon will give them;
 now she feels no love, but she soon will feel it,
 even unwilling.”
 Coming this time again, act as my deliveress;
 unwind this mastering pain; become fulfiller
 of everything that my passion hopes for: take your
 stand as my ally.   
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