Their Goncluzion

Thomas Ravenscroft - Their Goncluzion - текст песни (слова)

Ich con but zweare (ond thot I chill) vnbonably to loaue atha ztill, thot wool I lo. 
 Thon Roger zweare yo wooll be virmer thon yo weare: 
 by thease ten Boans zo Roger zweare an oape 
 hold Hodge O hold, oie to wyd yo gape, 
 O hold, thowlt byte I zweare my wozen. 
 whay thou belaue ma whon Ich zweare zo do thou.
 Ich do good Hodge thon zweare no more, 
 Ich wool bee thoyne and God a bee vore, 
 Ich be thoyne, and God a beevore.
 Thon geat wee Growds ond Boagbipes 
 and Harbs and Dabors to lead vs 
 on to eand ower loaues great labors.
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