Название |
Opus |
Is any afflicted? |
Jargon |
Jerusalem |
Jordan |
Judea (A Virgin unspotted) |
Kittery |
Lamentation over Boston |
The Lark |
Lebanon |
Let differing nations join |
Let every mortal ear attend |
Let the old heathen tune their song |
Let the shrill trumpet's warlike voice |
Lexington |
Life is the time to serve the Lord |
Lift up your eyes |
Lo, he cometh; countless trumpets |
The Lord is king, and is clothed with majesty |
The Lord my pasture shall prepare |
Lord, when thou didst ascend on high |
Lynn |
Madrid |
Majestic God, our muse inspire |
Majesty |
Malden |
Manchester |
Mansfield |
Marblehead |
Marshfield |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
Medfield |
Medford |
Medway |
Mendom |
Methinks I see my Saviour dear |
Middletown |
Milton |
Modern Musick |
Moravia |
Moriah |
Morning Hymn |
Mourn, mourn |
My flesh shall slumber in the ground |
My God, my life, my love |
Nantucket |
New-Hingham |
New Boston |
New North |
Newport |
New South |
No. 45 |
Northborough |
North Providence |
North River |
Now shall my head be lifted high |
Now to the power of God supreme |
Old South |
O Lord, our fathers oft have told |
O praise God, praise him in his holiness |
O praise the Lord of heaven |
Our Father who in heaven art |
Oxford |
Paris |
Pembrook New |
Petersburgh |
Philanthropy |
Phoebus |
Pitt |
Pleasant Street |
Plymton |
Pomfret |
Princetown |
Providence |
Pumpily |
Purchase Street |
Queen Street |
Redemption |
Rejoice ye shining worlds on high |
Resignation |
Restoration |
Resurrection |
Retrospect |
Revelation |
Revelation (Let all the heathen Writers join) |
Richmond |
Rocky-Nook |
Roxbury |
Rutland |
Salvation! O, the joyful sound |
Samuel the priest gave up the ghost |
Sanctify a fast |
Sappho |
Savannah |
Saybrook |
Scituate |
Sharon |
Sherburne |
Shiloh |
Sinai |