Томас Равенскрофт

Томас Равенскрофт - ноты

Страна: Великобритания
Даты: 1588 - 1635
Название Opus
Ale and Tobacco
And seest thou my Cow
As I went by the way
Banbury Ale (No. 58 from 'Pammelia')
Behold now give heed
A Belman's Song
Brooms for old shoes
Browning Madame
By a bank
Canst thou love
Come drinke to me
Come follow me
The complaint of a sinner
The Courtiers Courtship to his Mistris The Mistris to the Courtier
The Courtiers good Morrow to his Mistris
The Crowning of Belphebe
The Cryer's Song of Cheape-Side
Dery ding, dig, dasson
Exaudi Domine
The Fayries Daunce
Go no more to Brainford
Go to Ioane Glouer
Go to Joane Glover
The great bells of Oesney
A Hawkes-vp, for a Hunts-vp
Hawking for the Partridge
He that will an ale-house keepe
Hey down a down/Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la
Hey downe a downe
Hey, ho, nobody at home
Hey ho, to the greene wood
Hodge Trillindle to his Zweet hart
I am a-thirst
I have a house and land in Kent
I lay with an old man
I pray good Mother
Joan, come kiss me now
Lady come downe
Leaue of Hymen
Malkinz anzwer to Hodge Trillindle
The Marriage of the Frogge and the Mouse
Maults come down
Mercuries Song, the messengers of the Gods
My Lord my God in all distresse
My master is so wise
My mistress will not be content
New oysters new
Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon)
Of Ale
Of all the birds that ever I see
Of Beare
Oh my love
O Lord, how are my foes increased
Pammelia; The three part canons
Remember, O thou man
A round of three country dances in one
The Satyres Daunce
Seruants out of Seruice
Sing we now merrily
A Song of Pages
Their Goncluzion
There were three ravens
Three Blinde Mice
The Three Ravens
Tomorrow the fox will come to town
Toss the pot
The Urchins Daunce
Ut Re Me
Where are you faire Maides
Why did the Gentiles tumults raise
The Wind blows out of the west
