Surchargd with discontent, To Siluanes boure I went, To ease my heuy grief oppressed hart, And trie what comfort winged creatures, Coulde yeelde vnto my inwarde troubled smarte By modulating their delightfull measures. To my eares pleasing euer, Of straines so sweet, sweet birdes depriue vs neuer. The thrush did pipe full cleare, And eke with very mery chere The Lenit lifted vppe her pleasant voice The Goldfinch chirpid and the Pie did chatter, The blckbird whistled and bedde mee reioyce The stockdoue mormerd with a solemne flat, The little daw ka ka ka ka he cride The hic-quaile he beside Tickled his part, in a partie coloured coate The Iay did blow his how boy gallantly The wren did treble many a prety note The woodpecker did hammer melowdie. The kite tiw whiw full of Cride soring, vp aloft And downe againe returned presently To whom the heralde of Cornutoes all Sung coockoo euer, whilst poor Margery Cride who did ring nights larum bell, with all All did do well O might I heare them euer Of straines so sweet, sweet birdes depriue vs neuer.