When from my love I looked for love

Джон Бартлет - When from my love I looked for love - ноты, текст песни (слова)

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текст песни (слова) "When from my love I looked for love"

When from my love I looked for love 
 and kind affection's due, 
 Too well I found her vows to prove 
 most faithless and untrue; 
 For when I did ask her why, 
 Most sharply she did reply 
 That she with me did ne'er agree 
 To love but jestingly. 
 Mark the subtle policies 
 that female lovers find, 
 Who loves to fix their constancies 
 like feathers in the wind; 
 Though they swear, vow, and protest 
 That they love you chiefly best, 
 Yet by-and-by they'll all deny, 
 And say 'twas but in jest.
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