Название |
Opus |
Aan den Nacht |
Acabarseam mis plazeres |
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid |
Ad cenam agni providi |
Adie mis amors |
Adoramus (in Es) |
Adoramus te, Christe |
Adoramus te Domine |
Adoro te devote |
Aetas Carmen Melodiae |
Afraid, alas, and why so suddenly? |
Agnus Christus |
Agnus Dei (Old Hall Manuscript) |
Agnus Dei XVIII |
Agwillare habeth standiff |
Ah, for wings to soar |
¡Ah Pelayo, que desmayo! |
Aimer et plaire |
Ak, nāc, ak, nāc, Emanuel |
Al alba venid |
Alburquerque |
Alecrim |
Alle Dei Filius |
Allegez moy |
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (KB 1872) |
Alleluia - Tu es Petrus |
Alleluia Anna Mater |
Alleluia in resurrectione |
Alleluia Sancta Dei Genitrix |
Alleluja in B |
Alleluja in Des |
Alleluya: A nywe werke |
Allemande En La Mineur |
Alle psallite cum luya |
All people that on earth do dwell |
Al Paraclito divino |
Alta Reyna soberana |
Alta Trinita beata |
Amarilli mijn schoone |
Amavit eum Dominus |
Amid the silence |
Amor che deggio far |
Amor potest - Ad amorem |
Amor quando m'invia |
Amor que me cautivas |
Amour se veult |
Andarán siempre mis ojos |
Angelorum Gloriae |
Angels from the realms of glory |
Angelus ad Virginem |
Anima Christi |
Annue Christe |
Anonymous Flamenco |
Aperite Portas |
Aquella buena mujer |
Aquella fuerça grande |
Asperges me Domine |
Assit herus |
Assumpta est Maria - Beata est |
Aurea luce |
Ave Jhesu Christe |
Ave maris stella II |
Ave maris stella III |
Ave maris stella IV |
Ave maris stella VI |
Ave mundi spes/Gotes namen fahren wir a 8 |
Ave preclara (tr93) |
Ave Regina celorum |
Ave Regina cælorum |
Ave Regina coelorum |
Ave vivens hostia |
Ay de le noble vile de Pris |
¡Ay de mi, sin ventura! |
Ay luna que reluces! |
Ay, Santa Maria |
Baroque Minuet |
Beatam me dicent |
Beata viscera - Corsican chant |
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum |
Beatus Nicolaus |
Beatus vir |
Beatus vir qui timet |
Behold the Great Creator |
Belial vocatur diffusa calliditas |
Bella de vos som amoros |
Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie |
Benedicamus in laude |
Benedicta sit |
A bente y siete de março |
Bērniņ Jēzu |
Bitte an den Mond |
The Black Water |
Bóg zawitał |
Bonum vinum |
Bryd one brere |
Bulgar From Odessa |
Caballeria Song |
Caecilia |
Calabaça no se buen amor |
Calleis mi señora |